Our Veggies

Last summer we got into container gardening. Our larger, raised-bed garden gets so overgrown with weeds, it's hard, with our schedules, to find enough time to grown anything except raspberries and a few herbs.  So we purchased three EarthBoxes, bought a trellis for one and filled all three with potting mix from Miracle-Gro and added a strip of fertilzer (ultra Vigoro's all Purpose Plant Food 12-5-7). They have a screen one inserts into the box to leave a reservoir for water at the bottom and a watering tube you fill through.

We grew field greens, tomatoes and peppers of many sorts (from green bell peppers to habenaros) . The latter were a surprise addition to what were termed Caribbean peppers, but were clearly habenaros. I faithfully watered the three boxes through their plastic watering tubes and waited.

It was a wonderful summer of fresh veggies, clearly free of any pesticides. Their taste reminded me of the Farmers market veggies or those I could buy when I was growing up in Wisconsin sixty+ years ago. We had an abundance of salad green, more tomatoes than we could cope with and lots of fresh peppers. As best I can tell the boxes are reusable, so we saved them for next season and will try another assortment of choices.  I'd strongly recommend the EarthBox idea if you have limited time and/or room to garden. We had a bigger raised bed garden in Texas twelve years ago, but then owned an acre and a third and, before we retired, seemed to have more time. Now, with a small yard on a hillside and, for some reason, less time to garden, we put our container gardens on a back patio and consider the experiment a roaring success.

One Response to “Our Veggies”

  1. eruscynicus says:

    Dear Author peterdspringbergmdfacp.com !
    It is a pity, that now I can not express - I hurry up on job. But I will return - I will necessarily write that I think.

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